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This April, City & State NY is proud to present the first-ever Trailblazers: Clean Energy Awards! These awards will recognize the innovators and groundbreakers in New York’s clean energy sector. These are the individuals and organizations developing revolutionary clean energy tech, implementing groundbreaking programs, advocating for transformative policies, enhancing economic opportunities and leading the charge toward a clean energy future! Honorees will be profiled in a special issue of City & State Magazine, and celebrated at a special event in April 2024.
HK Hall
605 W 48th Street, New York, NY 10036
For tickets and sponsorships, please contact Lissa Blake (lblake@cityandstateny.com)
Times are subject to change.
Keynote Remarks
2nd Keynote Remarks

Sandy Nurse
NYC Council MemberCommittee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency & Waterfronts