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As more and more of Pennsylvania’s senior residents become eligible for care, the resources and resolve of the public and private sectors must adapt to succeed for all involved. What are the steps being taken to cultivate and expand the workforce to properly care for aging Pennsylvanians, how are the unique housing challenges for this demographic being met, and what kind of initiatives in the public and private sectors – as well as collaborations between the two – are in the works? The Pennsylvania Aging Summit will address the challenges and opportunities facing the state and its residents, who are among the oldest populations in the country.
Hilton Harrisburg
One N. 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Times are subject to change.
Introduction by Joanne Grossi, Pennsylvania Volunteer State President Emeritus, AARP

Joanne Grossi
Pennsylvania Volunteer State President EmeritusAARP PA
Keynote Remarks Jason P. Kavulich, Pennsylvania Secretary Of Aging

Jason P. Kavulich
Pennsylvania Secretary Of AgingCommonwealth of Pennsylvania
Re-Imagining PA’s Long-Term Care System
In Pennsylvania, long-term care services and supports (LTSS) includes a wide range of assistance with daily activities for people who cannot perform them on their own. A variety of services are available and funded by Medicaid and Pennsylvania’s Lottery Fund. This panel will discuss how agencies at the local and state levels are responding to growing care needs across the state, what opportunities can be and are being considered to ensure that family caregivers are better supported and, what needs to happen to grow and strengthen our paid caregiver workforce. The discussion will cover the entire continuum of care (home and community-based services, nursing care, assisted living, personal care, etc.) and how to best support Pennsylvanians in need of these services.
In Pennsylvania, long-term care services and supports (LTSS) includes a wide range of assistance with daily activities for people who cannot perform them on their own. A variety of services are available and funded by Medicaid and Pennsylvania’s Lottery Fund. This panel will discuss how agencies at the local and state levels are responding to growing care needs across the state, what opportunities can be and are being considered to ensure that family caregivers are better supported and, what needs to happen to grow and strengthen our paid caregiver workforce. The discussion will cover the entire continuum of care (home and community-based services, nursing care, assisted living, personal care, etc.) and how to best support Pennsylvanians in need of these services.

Rebecca May-Cole (Moderator)
Executive DirectorPA Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Inc.

Akbar Hossain
Secretary of Policy and PlanningCommonwealth of Pennsylvania

Sen. Maria Collett
Democratic ChairSenate Aging & Youth Committee

Zachary Shamberg
President and CEOPHCA

Garry Pezzano
President & CEOLeadingAge PA

Michael Spivak
CEOAll American Home Care

Rachel Liebman, DO
State Medical Director, PAInnovage
Preparing and Planning for Aging in PA
Recognizing that by 2030, the population of Pennsylvanians aged 60 and over is projected to surpass 3.8 million, accounting for 1 in 3 Pennsylvanians, Governor Shapiro directed the Pennsylvania Department of Aging to lead the state’s creation of the Commonwealth’s first Multi-Sector Plan on Aging (MPA), which has been named: Aging Our Way, PA. With the goal of addressing policy issues and identifying solutions related to how older Pennsylvanians can live and age well, Aging Our Way, PA covers key areas including housing, transportation, workforce, health care, long-term care access and navigation, economic security, and safety. This panel will discuss these key provisions that will transform the state’s aging services system to promote health, well-being, and independence over the next 10 years and beyond.
Recognizing that by 2030, the population of Pennsylvanians aged 60 and over is projected to surpass 3.8 million, accounting for 1 in 3 Pennsylvanians, Governor Shapiro directed the Pennsylvania Department of Aging to lead the state’s creation of the Commonwealth’s first Multi-Sector Plan on Aging (MPA), which has been named: Aging Our Way, PA. With the goal of addressing policy issues and identifying solutions related to how older Pennsylvanians can live and age well, Aging Our Way, PA covers key areas including housing, transportation, workforce, health care, long-term care access and navigation, economic security, and safety. This panel will discuss these key provisions that will transform the state’s aging services system to promote health, well-being, and independence over the next 10 years and beyond.

Justin Sweitzer (Moderator)
Managing EditorCity & State PA

Rep. Maureen Madden
Majority ChairAging & Older Adult Services Committee Representative

Sen. David G. Argall
ChairEducation Committee

Sharlene Waller
Executive DirectorPhiladelphia Mayor’s Commission on Aging

Nicole Stallings
President & Chief Executive OfficerThe Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania

Nicole Osevala M.D.
Chief, Division of Geriatric MedicinePenn State Health