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2025 Digital New York Summit

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City & State's 2025 Digital New York will convene New York's technology and information leaders from government and industry for a day-long, dynamic program of candid discussion and thought-provoking presentations on the innovative ideas being used to make the everyday life of all New Yorker's more livable, safer and convenient.


Attend the Event

The Hebrew Union College

1 West 4th Street

New York, NY 10012

The Hebrew Union College

1 West 4th Street

New York, NY 10012

March 19th, 2025

March 19th, 2025

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Dress Attire

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Times are subject to change.

9:00 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

9:50 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

9:55 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Keynote Remarks

15 minutes
Dru Rai
Dru Rai
New York State Chief Information Officer (CIO) &
Director of the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS)
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10:10 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Introduction to Keynote

5 minutes
Boldyn Networks
Boldyn Networks
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10:15 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

2nd Keynote Remarks

15 minutes
Matt Fraser
Matt Fraser
Chief Technology Officer
City of New York
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10:30 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Sponsor Remarks

5 minutes
Boldyn Networks
Boldyn Networks
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10:35 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Fostering Innovation while Expanding the Workforce

1 hour

Modernization is imperative but how  can we cut through the usual red tape and get things to progress faster and more efficiently? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms New York City, it is sparking innovation across public services, infrastructure, and citizen engagement. What should we prioritize on, and what are best practices to advance? We will address ways private companies are and can assist in bridging the technology gap and work to make these agencies stronger. This session will also discuss future workforce development, where to focus, what to prioritize, and how to proceed.

Modernization is imperative but how  can we cut through the usual red tape and get things to progress faster and more efficiently? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms New York City, it is sparking innovation across public services, infrastructure, and citizen engagement. What should we prioritize on, and what are best practices to advance? We will address ways private companies are and can assist in bridging the technology gap and work to make these agencies stronger. This session will also discuss future workforce development, where to focus, what to prioritize, and how to proceed.

KPMG (Moderator)
KPMG (Moderator)
Patti Bayross
Patti Bayross
Executive Vice‑President & Chief Information Officer
New York City Housing Authority
Cecilia Kushner
Cecilia Kushner
Chief Strategy Officer
New York City Economic Development Corporation
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11:35 AM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Advancements in Connectivity in New York

1 hour

This panel will discuss the tech developments that are changing the way New Yorkers live and do business. New York is continuing to build statewide broadband internet access through an initiative involving a $1.4 billion program that will help to expand high-speed online access for unserved and underserved communities, provide a $30 per month internet subsidy for low-income households, and provide grants to assist with construction projects to lay fiber optic cables. This panel will explore how full connectivity has expanded essential health, safety, and education services, and the investment necessary to create a more connected, equitable, and economically viable New York.

This panel will discuss the tech developments that are changing the way New Yorkers live and do business. New York is continuing to build statewide broadband internet access through an initiative involving a $1.4 billion program that will help to expand high-speed online access for unserved and underserved communities, provide a $30 per month internet subsidy for low-income households, and provide grants to assist with construction projects to lay fiber optic cables. This panel will explore how full connectivity has expanded essential health, safety, and education services, and the investment necessary to create a more connected, equitable, and economically viable New York.

Oscar J. Romero Jr.
Oscar J. Romero Jr.
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
New York City Civic Engagement Commission
Joshua Breitbart
Joshua Breitbart
Senior Vice President
ConnectALL at Empire State Development
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12:35 PM EDT Wednesday, March 19

1:30 PM EDT Wednesday, March 19



New York's Resilient Cyber & Physical Infrastructure

1 hour

Infrastructure and technology which keep us safe, healthy, moving and connected are always evolving. We strive to uphold a resilient infrastructure, public safety services, and improved responses to possible emergency situations. This panel will discuss how government agencies are balancing digital vs. analog, securing broadband access, protecting net neutrality, keeping our information private and how we can make our systems, transport, education, work, rest and play--as safe as possible.

Infrastructure and technology which keep us safe, healthy, moving and connected are always evolving. We strive to uphold a resilient infrastructure, public safety services, and improved responses to possible emergency situations. This panel will discuss how government agencies are balancing digital vs. analog, securing broadband access, protecting net neutrality, keeping our information private and how we can make our systems, transport, education, work, rest and play--as safe as possible.

Benjamin Voce-Gardner
Benjamin Voce-Gardner
Director, Office of Counterterrorism
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
Greg Ehrie
Greg Ehrie
Chief Security Officer
The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Kelly Moan
Kelly Moan
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
City of New York
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2:30 PM EDT Wednesday, March 19

Tech Tools to Help All New Yorkers

1 hour

New York is driving high-impact interventions to modernize communities to make them safer, smarter, healthier and to make it possible to increase economic redevelopment. We will discuss ways to impact all of our communities through the use of technology and innovation that help develop NY's economy and living situations. Our panel will also diiscuss leveraging data to improve systems to better serve New Yorkers. By building better tools and infrastructure, we can track the impact of various factors which better serves the population at large, and in particular more vulnerable or underserved New Yorkers.

New York is driving high-impact interventions to modernize communities to make them safer, smarter, healthier and to make it possible to increase economic redevelopment. We will discuss ways to impact all of our communities through the use of technology and innovation that help develop NY's economy and living situations. Our panel will also diiscuss leveraging data to improve systems to better serve New Yorkers. By building better tools and infrastructure, we can track the impact of various factors which better serves the population at large, and in particular more vulnerable or underserved New Yorkers.

Maryanne Schretzman
Maryanne Schretzman
Executive Director
New York City Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence
Adile Bekbay
Adile Bekbay
Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Enterprise Technology Business Solutions
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Dan Steinberg
Dan Steinberg
Mayor's Office of Operations
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3:30 PM EDT Wednesday, March 19
