
Header and Body
This May, City & State and NYN Media are proud to present the 2024 Nonprofit Trailblazers. We will honor leaders who have dedicated their careers and lives to making New York a better, safer place to live through adherence to the principles of charity, diversity, environmentalism, sustainability and governance. These dedicated changemakers have displayed entrepreneurial character, high standards, innovative professional practice and a committed support of their local community.
Honorees will be profiled in a special issue of City & State Magazine debuting on May 20th and honored at a celebratory event. Join us as we shine a light on the New Yorkers dedicated to making a positive impact on our city and state through the nonprofit sector!
The Penthouse
617 West 46th Street
PH 6th Floor
New York, NY 10036
For tickets and sponsorships, please contact Lissa Blake (lblake@cityandstateny.com)
Times are subject to change.
Keynote Remarks
Keynote Remarks

Ana Almanzar
Deputy Mayor for Strategic InitiativesOffice of the Mayor
Keynote Remarks
2nd Keynote Remarks

Molly Wasow Park
CommissionerNew York City Department of Social Services (DSS)
Sponsor Remarks
Sponsor Remarks

Wayne Davis
Co-Chair, Investment Management PracticeTannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP