
Header and Body
City & State hosted their first-ever Forty In Their 40s Awards! We recognized the most influential and thought-provoking leaders in the oft-overlooked decade between the “Forty Under 40” and “Fifty Over 50.” We honored forty New Yorkers who have been rising stars in the public sector and continue to rise to the top. Celebrated the Generation X leaders, gamechangers, trailblazers, and pioneers in New York’s government sector!
July 30, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Sixty Pine Street
60 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005
Additional Note
For sponsorships, please contact Lissa Blake (lblake@cityandstateny.com)
Times are subject to change.
6:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
7:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
7:35 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
Sponsor Remarks
5 minutes

Dwayne M. Andrews
Senior Vice President & General CounselPatrick B. Jenkins & Associates
7:40 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
7:55 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
5 minutes

Robert J. Rodriguez
President and Chief Executive OfficeDormitory Authority of the State of New York
8:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
8:15 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30
8:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30