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This summer, we’re celebrating the New Yorkers who are disrupting the status quo and driving transformative change with the 2024 Above & Beyond: Innovators Awards!
City & State’s annual Above & Beyond: Innovators list puts a spotlight on the groundbreaking work of 50 innovative New Yorkers in the public, private and nonprofit sectors and the positive impact that they’re having across the state.
Honorees will be profiled in a special issue of City & State Magazine and recognized at a special reception on August 13th!
August 13, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
The Penthouse
617 West 46th Street
PH 6th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Additional Note
For tickets and sponsorships, please contact Lissa Blake (lblake@cityandstateny.com)
Times are subject to change.
6:30 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
7:30 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
7:35 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
Keynote Remarks
Keynote Remarks
10 minutes

Ana Almanzar
Deputy Mayor for Strategic InitiativesOffice of the Mayor
7:45 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
Keynote Remarks
2nd Keynote Remarks
10 minutes

Molly Wasow Park
CommissionerNew York City Department of Social Services (DSS)
7:55 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
Sponsor Remarks
Sponsor Remarks
5 minutes

Wayne Davis
Co-Chair, Investment Management PracticeTannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP
8:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22
8:30 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 22