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Every year, City & State spotlights 100 exceptional individuals who work quietly to tackle New York's biggest challenges. These leaders from various sectors, like business, government, nonprofits, and advocacy, combine idealism with practical dedication to bring about real and lasting change.
The 2024 Responsible 100 will honor New Yorkers across many sectors who demonstrate one of our principles of social responsibility, including: Charity, Community Engagement, Customer Service, Diversity & Inclusion, Equity, Ethics, Transparency, Sustainability and Volunteerism.
This event is a unique opportunity to meet, mingle with and honor this elite group of New York’s most powerful executives, thought leaders, visionaries, and influencers, who are setting new standards of excellence, dedication, and leadership in improving their communities and making transformative change. The luncheon will include special presentations by noted figures from New York’s business, nonprofit and academic communities working at the forefront of the Corporate Social Responsibility movement.
Sony Hall
235 W 46th Street
New York, NY 10011
For sponsorships, please contact Lissa Blake (lblake@cityandstateny.com)
Times are subject to change.
2nd Keynote Remarks

Dr. Yusef Salaam
New York City Council Member &Exonerated Member of the Central Park Five
3rd Keynote Remarks

Dolores Catania
Television Personality, Entrepreneur& Philanthropist